Contact Expert v7.4 for Skype for Business Server
Task Closure Codes
Contact Expert Agent Application displays the task closure ("Selecting a closure code") dialog upon finishing a customer interaction (voice call, email, chat, etc). This article describes each option available in this dialog, as well as other information displayed in various reports and log files.
Contact Expert Technical Closure Codes
These codes are assigned to the task automatically and can not be selected manually, as they are not visible over a GUI (though they are logged in the database).
Major Reason Codes
ID | Internal Name | Description | Hungarian |
32 | FAILED_UNKNOWN | Unknown reason. Session closed. Both inbound and outbound campaigns. | Ismeretlen ok |
33 | FAILED_DESTINATION | Remote party cannot be reached via its destinations. Session rescheduled. Outbound campaigns. | Sikertelen hívás - nincs válasz |
34 | FAILED_NOGATEWAY | No gateway to generate outbound call request. Session initiated. | Gateway hiba |
35 | FAILED_MAKECALL | Make call procedure cannot be performed. Session closed. Outbound campaigns. | Hívás nem indítható |
36 | FAILED_NO_RESOURCE | The assigned agent cannot serve the request. Session initiated. Both inbound queues and outbound campaigns. This reason code is applied when Contact Expert reserves and agent for a given interaction, but the agent becomes unavailable for the given media (break, sign out). | Agent nem teljesítette a feladatot |
37 | FAILED_ABANDONED_AT_AGENT | Abandoned while connecting with agent. Request is dropped by customer while connecting with agent. | Vesztett hívás |
38 | FAILED_ROUTE_INBOUND | The inbound call cannot be routed to agent. | Routing hiba - bejövő |
39 | FAILED_ROUTE_OUTBOUND | The outbound call is answered by customer but cannot be routed to agent. | Routing hiba - kimenő |
40 | FAILED_NO_ROUTEREQ | Call is dropped by customer during the routing procedure. | Átirányítás során vesztett hívás |
48 | OK_CLOSE | Campaign or queue related interaction finished successfully. Session closed. Both inbound queues and outbound campaigns | Sikeres feladatlezárás |
49 | OK_DISCONNECT | Call disconnected by called the customer. Session rescheduled. Both inbound and outbound campaign | Megszakadt |
50 | OK_SUSPEND | Connection-less media. One phase of the campaign related interaction was finished successfully. Session state was changed to SUSPEND (3). Both inbound and outbound campaign | Felfüggesztett |
51 | OK_CALLBACK | Operator asked reschedule/callback on a later date. Session state was changed to CALLBACK (4). Both inbound and outbound campaign. | Feladat újraütemezése |
52 | OK_ERROR | Session is closed due to generic error. | Általános hiba |
54 | OK_CAMPAIGN_CLOSED | Campaign closed during the call. Session closed. Outbound campaign. | Hívás közbeni kampányzárás |
55 | OK_NO_INTEREST | The customer is not interested in the campaign. Session closed. Both inbound queues and outbound campaigns. | Többet ne hívjuk |
57 | OK_CALLBACK_TIMEOUT | Session is closed due to callback request timeout. | Lejárt visszahívás |
58 | OK_ON_BLACKLIST | Contact is on blacklist. | Feketelistás |
59 | OK_WRAPUP_TIMEOUT | Wrapup timeout. | Wrapup idő túllépés |
60 | OK_RECORD_OUTDATED | Contact record is inactivated according to the selected contact list import logic. | Importálás során inaktivált |
61 | OK_PARKED | Email parked. Email task is in Parked status. | Parkolt |
62 | ROUTE_SESSION_PARKED | A specific contact record is in parked status. Distribution of new inbound emails from this specific contact is discontinued until the contact record is transitioned from Parked state. | Bejövő feladatok felfüggesztése Parkolt állapot miatt |
Minor Reason Codes
ID | Internal Name | Description | Name in Reports | Hungarian |
0 | MINOR_DEFAULT | Default reason code | Unknown | Ismeretlen |
1 | MINOR_NORESOURCE | No available resource | No Resource | Nincs erőforrás |
2 | MINOR_ANSMACHINE | Answering machine is detected | Answering Machine | Hangposta |
3 | MINOR_BUSY | The contact is busy | Busy | Foglalt |
4 | MINOR_FAX | Fax tone is detected | Fax | Fax |
5 | MINOR_MODEM | Modem tone is detected | Modem | Modem |
6 | MINOR_NOANSWER | No answer from the contact | No Answer | Nincs válasz |
7 | MINOR_NOAGENT | No operator available | No Agent | Nincs ügynök |
8 | MINOR_SIT | Special information tone is detected | Sit Tone | Speciális hang |
9 | MINOR_INVALIDNUM | Contact phone number or email address is invalid | Invalid Number | Nem létező szám |
12 | MINOR_ABANDONED | Inbound request is dropped by customer while standing in the queue | Abandoned in Queue | Sorban eldobott |
13 | MINOR_WRONGNUMBER | Phone number or email address is assigned to incorrect customer | Undesired Party | Nem a kívánt ügyfél |
14 | MINOR_NOCAMPAIGN | No campaign is found matching the request media type and destination | No Campaign | Nincs kampány |
15 | MINOR_INACTIVECAMP | Campaign is inactive due to its state or start and end time | Campaign is Inactive | Inaktív kampány |
16 | MINOR_NOCONTACT | No contact is found matching the request | No Contact | Nincs ügyfél rekord |
17 | MINOR_QUEUESIZELIM | Predefined queue size limit is reached | Queue Size Limit | Sorhossz limit |
18 | MINOR_NOCONTROL | Control is lost over the request | No Control | Nincs vezérlés |
19 | MINOR_QUEUETIMELIM | Predefined queueing time limit is reached | Queue Time Limit | Soridő limit |
20 | MINOR_ALERTTIMELIM | Predefined operator alerting time limit is reached | Operator Alert Limit | Operátor csörgési limit |
21 | MINOR_REDIRECTLIM | Maximum hop count is reached | Redirection Limit | Átirányítási limit |
22 | MINOR_QUEUECALLBACK | Caller asked for callback in inbound queue | Callback Request in Queue | Visszahívási kérelem a sorban |
23 | MINOR_HOLIDAY | Holiday | Holiday | Ünnepnap |
24 | MINOR_EMERGENCY | Emergency | Emergency | Vészhelyzet |
25 | MINOR_NUISANCE | Predictive calls that are answered by the customer, but not handled by an agent. | Nuisance Call | Zaklató hívás |
26 | MINOR_THROTTLING | Balances the number of predictive calls. When it is not possible to dial out the number of calls predefined based on historical statistics, the system moderates outbound calls. | Throttled Request | Prediktív hívások optimalizálása |