Contact Expert v7.4 for Skype for Business Server
Understanding Contact Expert Session States
Session states
Individual interactions with the customer contact are grouped into sessions. Each session is bound to a contact and is generally about a specific topic (signing a contract, selling a product, handling a claim etc). A session has a life time potentially spanning callbacks and will terminate with either success or failure. Knowing the actual state of a session, or the number of sessions waiting in a particular state could be a useful information for a supervisor.
Session states are managed for both inbound and outbound calls, but mostly checked in reports in conjunction of outbound campaigns. Some session states are valid only in relation to such outbound campaign records/sessions.
Session States Explained
The campaign record had not been processed yet, associated contact is never called.
The record is closed either because the session had been closed by an agent with the Success – Close the task closure code, or because the maximum number of retires defined in the dial rules had been reached (failure).
The client will be called back as the session had been closed by an agent with the Reschedule the task closure code.
A failed call which is scheduled for later retry based on the dialing rules. The scheduled time did not yet pass.
A failed call which is scheduled for later retry based on the dialing rules. The scheduled time has already been passed.
The record had been inactivated.
The call record is being processed right now.