Upgrade Guide
Upgrading and Updating Desktop Connect for CRM
Perform the following basic tasks to upgrade Desktop Connect software:
- Back up the existing Desktop Connect software.
- Deploy the new Desktop Connect software.
- Upgrade the Call Center Settings.
- Install new license file.
Back up of the Existing Desktop Connect Software
A backup must be created of the existing Desktop Connect before upgrading to new releases.
There are two types of backup procedures:
- Full system backup of the deployed software
- Simple backup of the deployed software
Full System Backup Procedure
Use an appropriate software that allows you to perform a system backup of the entire contents of the Desktop Connect service drive to another medium or device.
Simple File System Backup Procedure
Follow the below steps to perform a simple file system backup proceed with the following:
Back up Desktop Connect from the Tomcat webapps folder. (default: “C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.0\webapps\dc4crm”)
Back up the Desktop Connect configuration files from the Tomcat lib folder. (default: “C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.0\lib”)
- ctiagents.properties
- crmcslog4j.properties
- GeoCCILib.properties
- recorder.properties (formerly acr.properties)
- extensions.properties (optional)
- Back up the installed license file located in the Tomcat lib folder (default: “C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.0\lib”) dc4crm.license.signed.xml, geocci.license.signed.xml (only present on older versions of Desktop Connect), geo.license.2004.01.30.xsd.
- If you are using a cloud license the following certification file needs to be saved from the Tomcat lib folder:
- DCLicenseClient.license.signed.xml
Deployment of the New Desktop Connect Software
Upgrading Desktop Connect consists of redeploying the software and re-configuring if required.
Please see section Installing Geomant Desktop Connect Server.
Custom fields need to be re-created after applying the latest package.
Upgrade of the Call Center Settings
New package is available and can be installed from the AppExchange site or from the ISO image, the package contains an upgrade path for previous versions.
Call Center setting
The call center definition and assigned users have to be saved prior to updating the package, by adding the new package the Call Center definition file is reset and all user assignment is lost.
After upgrade the Call Center settings need to be updated within Salesforce.com.
- Perform the steps described in section: Setting up the Geomant Call Center
- Re-assign users the the newly created call center setting, following the steps described in section: Assigning Users to a Call Center
Packages prior to version 1.5 cannot be upgraded, they need to be uninstalled and re-installed.
Installation of New License File
Finally, the new license file needs to be installed.
Please make sure that you have provided all necessary license information and requested a new license file from Geomant. See section Installing license files for required information and installing the license.
Uninstalling Desktop Connect for Salesforce.com
Please go through the following steps to uninstall Geomant Desktop Connect from your computer.
Removing Geomant Desktop Connect Server
- Uninstalling Apache Tomcat.
- Removing Call Center settings and customization from the CRM.
Uninstalling a package can result in loss of information, additional call related information such as dialled number, UCID, call id, call start and call end date might be lost from the phone call entities.