Custom IVR Template: Advanced Praying Time
Calls can be diverted on a single day (1day only) between given time intervals.
AdvancedPrayTime only works on a single day of the week between given times but you can freely change what day of the week and between what hours will it be active.
A few examples:
Let's assume you want to allow pray-time on Sunday. For this you should create a new variable, call it prayer_day_sun
and have the integer value 0 assigned. Then, assign prayer_day_sun
to the m_prayer_day
parameter. This will provide praytime on Sunday -- and only on Sunday -- between the start/stop times.
Likewise, if you would like to change the start time to 13:00 and the end time to 14:15, then you would assign string "13:00" to the m_prayer_start_time
variable and "14:15" to the m_prayer_stop_time
variable. Since these variables are already assigned to the respective parameters of AdvancedPrayTime, you don't need to re-assign them.
Template Data Sheet
Name | Minimum Engine version | Minimum Designer version |
AdvancedPrayTime | 2.1 | 7.5.0 |
Name | Description |
m_compsrvurl | Input: Component server URL: eg. |
m_cedomain | Input: The name of the affected Contact Expert Domain. |
m_prayer_day | Input: Target date. |
m_prayer_start_time | Input: Starting time in "hh:mm" (24h) format. |
m_prayer_stop_time | Input: End time in "hh:mm" (24h) format. |
Exit Points
Name | Description |
praytime | praytime |
open | open |
emergency | emergency |
"name": "AdvancedPrayTime",
"type": "template",
"description": "<b>PrayTime</b> description",
"attributes": [
"name": "id",
"type": "integer",
"defaultvalue": "2000"
"parameters": [
"name": "m_compsrvurl"
"name": "m_cedomain"
"name": "m_prayer_day"
"name": "m_prayer_start_time"
"name": "m_prayer_stop_time"
"connections": [
"name": "emergency"
"name": "praytime"
"name": "open"
<template name="AdvancedPrayTime" id="#ID#" version="1.1">
<parameter id="m_compsrvurl"><![CDATA[#M_COMPSRVURL#]]></parameter>
<parameter id="m_cedomain"><![CDATA[#M_CEDOMAIN#]]></parameter>
<parameter id="m_prayer_day"><![CDATA[#M_PRAYER_DAY#]]></parameter>
<parameter id="m_prayer_start_time"><![CDATA[#M_PRAYER_START_TIME#]]></parameter>
<parameter id="m_prayer_stop_time"><![CDATA[#M_PRAYER_STOP_TIME#]]></parameter>
<connections namedoutputs="true">
<connection name="emergency" destination="#EMERGENCY#"/>
<connection name="praytime" destination="#PRAYTIME#"/>
<connection name="open" destination="#OPEN#"/>
<script id="10" entrypoint="true"> <!-- EMREGENCY/PRAYTIME check -->
<parameter id="m_compsrvurl" type="Variable" datatype="String" direction="Input"><![CDATA[?]]></parameter>
<parameter id="m_cedomain" type="Variable" datatype="String" direction="Input"><![CDATA[?]]></parameter>
<parameter id="m_prayer_day" type="Variable" datatype="Int" direction="Input"><![CDATA[?]]></parameter>
<parameter id="m_prayer_start_time" type="Variable" datatype="String" direction="Input"><![CDATA[?]]></parameter>
<parameter id="m_prayer_stop_time" type="Variable" datatype="String" direction="Input"><![CDATA[?]]></parameter>
<connections namedoutputs="true">
<connection exitpoint="emergency" name="EMERGENCY" destination="?"/>
<connection exitpoint="praytime" name="PRAYTIME" destination="?"/>
<connection exitpoint="open" name="OPEN" destination="?"/>
function GetCurrentTimeInTenant(compSrvUrl, tenantId) {
var timeoutMs = 10000;
var mimeType = 'application/jsonrequest';
try {
var client = toolkit.getJSonRetriever();
var currentTimeReq = {};
currentTimeReq['action'] = 'CurrentTime';
currentTimeReq["tenant"] = parseInt(tenantId);
var currentTimeResp = client.postData(compSrvUrl, timeoutMs,
JSON.stringify(currentTimeReq), mimeType);
if(currentTimeResp != null) {
log.debug('Current time response: ' + currentTimeResp);
var jCurrentTimeResp = JSON.parse(currentTimeResp);
if ((''+jCurrentTimeResp['result']) == 'TRUE') {
var now = System.DateTime.Parse(jCurrentTimeResp['currenttime']);
return now;
return null;
log.error('Failed to get current time in the specified tenant:' + ex);
return null;
$$nextConnection$$ = 'OPEN';
var url = '' + LOCALS['m_compsrvurl'];
var domain = '' + LOCALS['m_cedomain'];
var tenantid = flowvars['TENANT_ID'];
var timeout = 10000;
var mimetype = 'application/jsonrequest';
var start_h = LOCALS['m_prayer_start_time'].split(':')[0];
var start_m = LOCALS['m_prayer_start_time'].split(':')[1];
var stop_h = LOCALS['m_prayer_stop_time'].split(':')[0];
var stop_m = LOCALS['m_prayer_stop_time'].split(':')[1];
log.debug('Init done. CompSrvUrl: ' + url
+ ', Domain: ' + domain
+ ', TenantId: ' + tenantid
+ ', StartHour: ' + start_h + ', StartMinute: ' + start_m
+ ', StopHour: ' + stop_h + ', StopMinute: ' + stop_m);
try {
var js = toolkit.getJSonRetriever();
var req = {};
req['action'] = 'IsEmergency';
req['domain'] = domain;
req["tenant"] = parseInt(tenantid);
var resp = js.postData(url, timeout, JSON.stringify(req), mimetype);
if (resp != null) {
log.debug('IsEmergency response received: ' + resp);
var jresp = JSON.parse(resp);
if ((''+jresp['result']) == 'TRUE') {
$$nextConnection$$ = 'EMERGENCY';
log.debug('There is emergency in the domain');
else {
log.debug('There is no emergency in the domain');
log.debug('No response for IsEmergency');
if ($$nextConnection$$ != 'EMERGENCY') {
var now = GetCurrentTimeInTenant(url, tenantid);
if(now != null) {
log.debug('Start to check pray time. now.DayOfWeek: ' + now.DayOfWeek);
if (parseInt(now.DayOfWeek) == LOCALS['m_prayer_day']) {
var dm = now.Hour * 60 + now.Minute;
var prayer_start = parseInt(start_h) * 60 + parseInt(start_m);
var prayer_stop = parseInt(stop_h) * 60 + parseInt(stop_m);
log.debug('now.Hour: ' + now.Hour + ', dm:' + dm + ', PrayStart:' + prayer_start + ', PrayStop:' + prayer_stop);
if ((dm >= prayer_start) && (dm < prayer_stop)) {
$$nextConnection$$ = 'PRAYTIME';
} else {
$$nextConnection$$ = 'OPEN';
else {
$$nextConnection$$ = 'OPEN';
log.debug('No pray day');
else {
$$nextConnection$$ = 'OPEN';
log.error('Failed to retrieve current time in tenant: ' + tenantid);
} catch (err) {
$$nextConnection$$ = 'OPEN';
log.error('Exception during Prayer Time check:' + err);
log.debug('Script Done: nextConnection:' + $$nextConnection$$);