IVRWS API documentation
This article describe the public interface of the IVR Web Service.
Node History Report download
You can download the Node History Report in csv format file from the IVR Admin interface.
You need to make an HTTP POST request to the IVRWS web service in the following format:
HTTP POST http://[ivr-host-fqdn]/ivrws/Admin/getNodeHistory.aspx?startTime=[URL encoded start date]]&endTime=[URL encoded end date]&treeName=[Name of the flow/tree]
You are going to receive response with Conetent-Type: text/csv; chardet=utf-8 and Content-Encoding: gzip.
CSV files returned by the IVRWS service are comply with the RFC 4180 standard and using UTF-8 encoding. The delimiter of the CSV files can be defined in the configuration of the IVRWS service with the DelimiterInCsvExports