How to set up Verba integration with Contact Expert
Contact Expert and Verba recording systems can be configured to cooperate so that a Verba supervisor can use CE specific details to refine searching for recorded calls. When the integration is set up, the following pieces of generic information are passed from CE to Verba for every affected call recorded:
- CallerUri
- CalledUri
- CustomerUri
- AgentUri
- CampaignID
- CustomerID
- SduID
- ConversationID
These data fields can then be used directly when searching among the Verba recordings. Or, using custom development efforts, these can be used as the basis for further lookups in the CE database to acquire extra data (e.g. object labels or business tags, CRDS values, etc).
Configuring CE
CE provides the Dialing Info Service for passing the above meta data to external solutions. Please follow these steps to enable and configure this service:
Setting up CE Dialing Info Service
- Navigate to Skype Parameters → General Properties, locate and enable the Expose Dialing Info checkbox.
- Edit the affected Voice Gateways resource, click the Skype Parameters tab and check the Dialing Info Service Port value (should be 9200) and set the Dialing Info Service SSL checkbox to control whether the integration is done using a secured channel or not.
In case the integration data link needs to be secured, a certificate will need to be created that will be used between Verba and CE, and the following Windows command line statements must also be executed on the CE Core Host computer:
Windows CMD statements for securing channel
netsh http add urlacl url=https://[CE Core Host FQDN]:9200/DialingInfoService user=EVERYONE netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=[Server Certificate Thumbprint Without Space (42 characters)] appid={76F184C1-CB86-4111-8661-FE6DFFEFC458}
CE Dialing Info Service URL
http://[CE Core Host]:9200/DialingInfoService
https://[CE Core Host]:9200/DialingInfoService
Configuring Verba
The Verba side configuration consists of two major steps: expand the metadata template store and assign the integration link. These steps differ somewhat based on the actual version of the Verba system.
Verba v8.8 and lower
In this version the custom metadata fields are created as part of the default product installation, they do not need to be added manually.
- Navigate to Administration → Groups on the Verba administration interface and confirm that the Geomant template is available and that it is the default ("Lync (Geomant) Template").
Add the CE's Dialog Info Service URL (on every Verba Recorder and/or Combo server) in the Passive Recorder → Contact Center Integration → Geomant Contact Expert Webservice Urls field and also by checking the relevant checkbox.
In case of a Highly Available CE setup, add the URL for both the Primary and Standby CE servers!
Verba v8.9 and higher
In this version, the custom metadata fields are NOT deployed with the default product installation. If these were not added manually before, then they need to be added.
Log on to the SQL server of the Verba system with an administrator account and execute the attached script: geomant-meta-template.sql to expand the metadata store with the CE fields.
Alter this script to change the CE fields if the default set of fields are not matching your specific requirements.
Navigate to Administration → Groups on the Verba administration interface and confirm that the Geomant template is available and that it is the default (Lync (Geomant) Template).
Add the CE's Dialog Info Service URL (on every Verba Recorder and/or Combo server) in the Passive Recorder → Contact Center Integration → Geomant Contact Expert Webservice Urls field and also by checking the relevant checkbox.
In case of a Highly Available CE setup, add the URL for both the Primary and Standby CE servers!
Verba v9.0 and higher
In this version the custom metadata fields are created as part of the default product installation, they do not need to be added manually.
Navigate to Administration → Groups on the Verba administration interface and confirm that the Geomant template is available and that it is the default (Lync (Geomant) Template).
Add the CE's Dialog Info Service URL (on every Verba Recorder and/or Combo server) in the Passive Recorder → Contact Center Integration → Geomant Contact Expert Webservice Urls field and also by checking the relevant checkbox.
Since CE integration is changed at the Verba side, this has to be specified under passive recorder’s Lync / SFB Contact Center UCMA B2B Agents: RTCC/ ACE_2
In case of a Highly Available CE setup, add the URL for both the Primary and Standby CE servers!