Contact Expert v7.6
This document describes how to configure Asterisk telephony platform for Contact Expert.
Answering Machine Detection
When the BuiltIn AMD Engine is configured in Contact Expert (CE) with Asterisk platform, the Asterisk AMD application is utilized for answering machine detection. After CE sends the call to Asterisk, the AMD application is executed by the Asterisk dialplan, where it performs the AMD algorithm and sends the call and the result back to CE.
Contact Expert (CE) sends the call to a specific context named ce-amd-custom and label ce-amd-start-label. AMD parameters are passed as dialplan variables using the following names: ce_amd_initial_silence, ce_amd_greeting, ce_amd_between_word_silence, ce_amd_total_analysis_time and ce_amd_after_greeting_silence.
To execute the AMD application with these parameters, the Asterisk dialplan must be configured within the specified context and label. Any AMD parameters not defined by CE will be set to default values by Asterisk, as defined in the amd.conf configuration.
Once the AMD application is executed, the dialplan should be set up to send both the call and the AMD result back to CE using the Stasis dialplan application. The name of the Stasis app is determined by the ce_stasis_app_name dialplan variable. The AMD result should be passed as Stasis app arguments with the names ce_amd_status and ce_amd_cause.
The following dialplan configuration is required:
exten => _!,1(ce-amd-start-label),NoOp()
same => n,AMD(${ce_amd_initial_silence},${ce_amd_greeting},${ce_amd_after_greeting_silence},${ce_amd_total_analysis_time},,${ce_amd_between_word_silence})
same => n,Stasis(${ce_stasis_app_name},ce_amd_status=${AMDSTATUS},ce_amd_cause=${AMDCAUSE})