Contact Expert v7.4 for Skype for Business Server
Categories and Description of Reports
This chapter gives an insight of what types of reports are available in the CE portal.
Report Types
Real-time Monitors
Real-time reports display constantly changing data from the system database, the report database and the server components and processes it sufficiently rapidly to be able to show these reports on the portal as close to real-time as possible. There is however a certain amount of delay in the synchronization, varying between a couple of seconds and 5 minutes depending on the report.
These reports display the current status of the contact center, with agent, queue, campaign, and task details.
In order to query results specifically for one tenant, choose the desired Tenant from the Filters view.
Agent Status
This report displays the actual state of all operators registered in Contact Expert. Detailed information can only be viewed of the agents currently logged-in, like status information and general skill assignment details.
IVR Status
This report displays the actual state of all available IVR channels registered in CE.
Basic information is displayed, such as status time, the assigned queue or campaign of the channel or customer details.
Queue Status
This report displays the actual status of all the configured inbound queues.
Information is shown on the number of agents and different kind of interactions, monitors the inbound queue measures of all media types to see if specific routing direction parameters require intervention.
Campaign Status
This report displays the actual state of all outbound campaigns. Each campaign represents a number of assigned contact (customer) records.
Besides showing a total number of customer records assigned to a campaign, a factorization of these tasks is also available. The disaggregation is based on the campaign states.
Scheduled Task Status
This report displays the number of all existing tasks that have been scheduled for a callback.
Scheduled callback requests can be registered either by the customer, agent or by the system automatically when a call is dropped while waiting in the queue.
There are several kinds of scheduled tasks. Each of the tasks has a short description in the form of a tool-tip.
Description of the Tasks column in the Details section
Total | Displays a total number of scheduled tasks assigned to a queue. |
Due | Displays the number of the total scheduled tasks that are due according to the scheduled time. |
Delayed | Displays the number of the total scheduled tasks that are past the scheduled time at least by the global threshold. |
Average Delay | Displays an average number of scheduled tasks that are past the scheduled time plus the global threshold. |
Parked Emails
This report displays a list of parked emails. The table contains information and details of the emails, such as sender and recipient details, date and time of parking the email, and assignment information.
Administrators can re-assign parked tasks from this report interface by clicking the Reassign Parked button in the top-right corner of the page.
It is not possible to reassign a parked email if the agent associated to that task is logged in.
Reassignment of a parked email task ignores the skill set of the agent selected to be the new owner of the task. This means the task can be allocated to agents who do not own the specific skill. The agent has to log off from the email media and log back in to effectively receive the reassigned parked task.
Overdialing Rate
A predictive outbound dialing report. The combo chart displays the overdialing rate of calls in a specific skill. It compares the number of outbound calls with the number of agents available in different states.
Calculation of the number of calls initiated is based on the number of available agents and other factors such as answer rates, nuisance rate, number of blended agents, the number of ongoing calls. Due to their importance, the report shows agents in Break and Retained mode to see how many agents are kept for inbound (Retained
- Elastic
) and how many of the agents can be set into available state for outbound interactions, if necessary.
The report is called Overdialing rate, because the predictive algorithm's primary objective is to dial more calls than the number of agents available for outbound calls at the time the calls are initiated.
The amount of time this report can cover from the past is directly affected by the DB Maintenance Job configuration for the ACEReport
database! Please read the How to deploy the default Contact Expert database scheduled maintenance jobs article for more information.
Nuisance Rate
A predictive outbound dialing report. The combo chart displays the nuisance rate of calls in a specific skill. It measures the amount of outbound calls the customers answered but the system was unable to route to agents (as there was none available at the time). It also shows the predictive call waiting time in seconds for the particular skill.
Nuisance rate is measured as an overall (cumulated) value for the actual calendar day.
The amount of time this report can cover from the past is directly affected by the DB Maintenance Job configuration for the ACEReport
database! Please read the How to deploy the default Contact Expert database scheduled maintenance jobs article for more information.
Operational Reports
These reports present the actual status of the contact center based on predefined periods 'up to now'. Data are accumulated over the predefined periods. These reports can be refreshed manually by clicking on the Apply button.
Agent Performance
Measures the number of tasks handled by the agents within the period.
Information is available per team or per agent. This report provides insight into agent load, efficiency and quality.
Agent Status (operational)
Displays the breakdown of the time spent by the agents in the various states over the time period.
The table is divided into the several different steps of the customer interaction life cycle (agent states). It also provides insight into the various reasons of being unavailable (Break
Queue Service Level
It measures the inbound voice and chat performance of the contact center by showing the service level conformity of the queues within a predefined amount of time (usually the global threshold). For example the number and percentage of calls answered within the predefined thresholds, or abandoned, ended up in callback requests, etc.
The Abandoned column shows an aggregate measure, counting the interactions falling into the following 3 scenarios:
Abandoned in queue: the interaction is terminated while waiting in queue.
No control: an Avaya telephony specific fault scenario, whereby the system failed to take the interaction out of the queue and routing it to the selected agent due to a misconfiguration issue (Avaya vectoring).
Abandoned while connecting with agent: the interaction was routed to the selected agent but it got terminated while ringing.
Interactions having been overflowing from one queue to another (or back again) maybe even many times, and then getting abandoned, will still increase the Abandoned figure by one.
The Dropped before threshold column shows an aggregated measure counting the interactions that satisfy the above criteria for the Abandoned measure, however having a call length shorter than the Queue Service Level - Minimum Abandoned Request Time in [Chat|Voice] Queues [sec] threshold. Such interactions will not show up in the Abandoned column.
The Queue Service Level report shows inbound voice and chat interactions only.
Call Result
This report displays the breakdown of the interaction result states over the time period.
Each call result is generated as per direction, dialling mode, duration of the call, and response times.
Business Tags
A pie chart report displaying the frequency and percentage of business tags associated to closed tasks. This helps controlling service quality and determine opportunities of business process improvement.
Tracking Reports
These reports are part real-time and part historical helping trend analysis, problem tracking and quality assurance.
- Real-time reports provide information on the particular interactions and tasks currently active in the contact center.
- Historical reports display call center metrics, basically a measurement of efficiency, quality, performance and progress.
Live Voice Calls
This report displays the number of inbound and outbound calls currently ongoing.
Live Email Sessions
This page displays the current number and status of email tasks, showing a brief summary as well as specific details of the emails.
Incoming emails for campaigns not in Running state, are counted in the following way:
- When a mailbox is assigned to a single queue, the emails in queue are counted towards this queue.
- When a mailbox is assigned to multiple queues, the email will be assigned to the first queue with the given mailbox.
Live Chat Sessions
This page displays the currently available and ongoing chat tasks.
Call History
This report is used for call tracking, in order to analyze call handling for a determined period of time. Retrieve information on the number of calls handled, the outcome of specific calls and details on the call.
Please note that Call History does not contain calls arriving to the contact center out of business hours due to technical limitations. In such cases no record is added to the report, but all other calls are registered and shown in the Call History.
It is possible to view Additional Details by clicking on the proper information icons at the end of each entry.
Information | Displays details regarding a specific call, like the agent who handled the task or the Session ID, among others. |
Customer info | Displays basic contact information, such as name, phone number, email or priority. Plus details on the recording content, if there is any. |
Customer history | Displays more information on the specific contact's call history. Details include call closure outcome, agent, callback schedules or call recording. |
Call recording contents are also available from the Details section at the end of the concerned entries.
The number of records with Abandoned in queue result are depending on the followings:
It is getting increased by one if an interaction is abandoned while waiting in queue. Other abandon scenarios like when a call is ringing at the agent are not counted in this measure.
If an interaction got transferred and/or overflown before it got abandoned in a queue, the number of records for each of these events in this report will all get the Abandoned in queue result associated. In other words, the number of records with Abandoned in queue result do not reflect the number of individual interactions (e.g. voice calls or chat sessions) abandoned in queue, it reflects the detailed call history of each such interaction. Therefore comparing the total number of records with this result to abandon figures in other CE reports can be misleading.
Email History
This report is used for tracking email tasks and creating an analytical report on the number of inbound and outbound emails for a particular period of time.
Media content is available for each email by clicking the Mail icon.
Chat History
This report is used to analyze the chat history based on different kinds of values for a defined period of time.
Check more details on a particular session by using the info icons at the end of each entry.
Agent Status History
This report is used for reviewing the status history of agents.
Agent Login History
This report is used for reviewing the login history of agents.
BI Reports
The system supports business intelligence (BI) reporting using Microsoft BI reporting tools. Read more about CE's Business Intelligence reporting capabilities.