Organizational Hierarchy
Buzzeasy attempts to adapt to generic corporate responsibility levels in order to segment business operations for our customers. It provides the following special resources for this.
A company resource refers to a customer consuming the Buzzeasy services. Companies are the top node in the hierarchy.
Company resources are created by Geomant at the time we provision our services for our customers.
A department is a business section of a particular company, and usually deal with a specific area of activity. It allows the customer (company) to divide and separate their units into departments. Such sections are Sales, Accounting or Customer Service, for example.
A portal user with the proper permissions can create and/or edit any number of departments under the company they belong to.
Deletion of a department entry however would ruin the integrity of historical reporting data, therefore it is not allowed.
Portal user accounts can be defined on department level in a future update.
Creating a New Department
Navigate to Organisation → Departments.
Click on the +New Department button in order to create a new department entry.
Specify the Name of the department that will receive the calls, and the Company it belongs to. (Automatically filled.)
Click Submit to save the new item.
Editing a Department
Navigate to Organisation → Departments.
Click the Edit button in the list to modify an existing item.